Filo Cigars


  • 1 tbsp butter

  • 150 g vermicelli

  • 1/4 cup condensed milk

  • 4 sheets filo dough

  • 1 tbsp flour

  • 1 tbsp water

  • 150 g milk chocolate, melted

  • vegetable oil, for frying


  • In a saucepan, toast the butter and vermicelli until golden.

  • Remove from the heat and add the condensed milk. Set aside.

  • Slice the filo dough sheets into small rectangles.

  • Place two of the sliced sheets on top of each other and add some of the vermicelli mixture. Roll it tightly.

  • Mix the flour and water and smear it on the ends of the cigars to secure them.

  • In a pan, add some oil and fry it until golden. Allow the cigars to dry on tissue paper.

  • Dip them in the melted chocolate and set on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

  • Refrigerate until set and ready to serve.


Panna Cotta


Banana Chocolate Cake