A guide to making a loaf of sourdough, with around 77% hydration.
The process of making sourdough typically involves creating a starter, also known as a sourdough culture or mother dough.
Makes 1 loaf
80 g starter
350 g water
350 g bread flour
100 g wholewheat flour
8 g salt
In a bowl, feed your starter as usual, cover and set aside for 5-6 hours (The feeding I used was: 25 g starter, 25 g wholewheat flour, 25 g bread flour, 50 g water).
One hour before the starter is done, start by making the dough. In a bowl, mix the bread flour, wholewheat flour, salt, and water.
When the dough comes together cover and let it rest for 1 hour.
Mix 80 g of the starter* and dough together by slapping and folding for 2-4 minutes. Rest for 1 hour.
Perform 6 sets of stretch and folds, allowing the dough to rest in between.
The first three should be spaced out by 15 minutes.
The last three should be spaced out by 30 minutes.
Let your dough rest for 1.5 hours.
Dump the dough onto a floured surface and shape the ball dough into a batard.
Place into bannetons (or a bowl lined with a kitchen towel) dusted with wholemeal flour.
Refrigerate overnight.
Preheat the oven with a cast-iron cooker or pot at 450°F/230°C for 1 hour.
Place the dusted loaf into the hot pan, score the top, and cover.
Bake for 20 minutes.
Remove the cover and bake for an additional 25 - 30 minutes, or until the loaf is a deep brown color.
Remove the bread and allow it to cool on a wire rack.
*Note: If using my starter recipe, do not discard the starter after feeding, so you can continue feeding and using it for other loaves.
Keep 25 g of the starter and combine with 25 g of wholewheat flour, 25 g of bread flour, and 50 g of water.
Cover and set aside at room temperature and feed daily or in the fridge and feed weekly.
Sample Schedule
7 am: Feed starter
12 pm: Make the dough
1 pm: Mix dough and starter (slap & fold)
2:00 pm: Fold #1
2:15 pm: Fold #2
2:30 pm: Fold #3
3:00 pm: Fold #4
3:30 pm: Fold #5
4:00 pm: Fold #6, rest for 1.5 hours
5:30 pm: Shape dough and place in fridge overnight
Next morning: Preheat the oven and bake!