
Sweet meringue based cookie sandwiched between a creamy ganache.


  • 100 g ground almonds

  • 100g icing sugar

  • 90 g egg whites (around 2 1/2)

  • 100g caster sugar

  • food coloring - optional

  • Pistachio ganache:

  • 200g white chocolate

  • 100g whipping cream

  • 1 tbsp pistachio paste


  • Preheat oven to 300 ° F (150 ° C).

  • Blitz the almonds and icing sugar in the food processor.

  • Sift the mixture together twice.

  • Whisk egg whites until fluffy then add caster sugar slowly, continue whisking until stiff and glossy.

  • If you choose to add food coloring add it now.

  • Gently fold almond and icing sugar into the meringue mixture with a spatula in thirds until incorporated.

  • Fold until the ribbon stage is reached.

  • Line two trays with parchment.

  • Spoon mixture into piping bag fitted with a 1 cm nozzle. Pipe 2cm circles onto the tray (you can place this stencil below the parchment to pipe even circles).

  • Drop the tray onto the counter top a few times to eliminate any air bubbles.

  • Allow the macarons to rest for 25 - 35 mins or until a skin forms.

  • Bake in the oven for 12-15 mins.

  • Leave to cool completely, then remove from the tray.

  • Sandwich two cookies with your choice of filling.

  • To prepare the pistachio ganache:

  • In a bowl, place the chocolate and paste.

  • Heat the cream and pour it on top. Refrigerate until set.




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